Academic work
George C, Sutcliffe S, Scheinmann, D, Mizara, A & McbRide S. Psoriasis: The Skin I’m In. Development of a behaviour change tool to improve the care and lives of people with psoriasis. Clin and Exper Derm, 2021; 1-8.
Kalaki E, Mizara A. The role of parenting experiences, rather than age of onset or presence of the skin condition, in the development of maladaptive schemas in a community sample of patients with atopic dermatitis. Br J Dermal, 2018; 179:1006-1008.
Simpson J, McBride SR; Wilson M, Ahmed A, Mizara, A. An observational study to investigate health-seeking behaviour in patients with psoriasis using framework analysis. Br J Dermal, 2015; 173(3):49
Bundy C, Mizara A, McBride, SR. Living with Psoriasis Managing the Life Impact of Psoriasis – Practical Tips to Use in Consultation (May 2016) Ebook: Bentham eBooks
Mizara A. Schema therapy in dermatology. Schema Ther Bullet; 2015; 2: 16-19
Moon, H-S, Mizara A, McBride SR. Psoriasis and Psycho-Dermatology. Dermatol Ther; 2013(2): 117-130
Mizara A, Papadopoulos L, McBride SR. Core beliefs and psychological distress in patients with psoriasis and atopic eczema attending secondary care: the role of schemas in chronic skin disease. Br J Dermatol; 2012 May; 166(5): 986-93.
Mizara, A (2018, June). Uniting for change. Symposium organized by Abbvie. 5th World Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Conference, Stokhold, Sweden.
D Koumaki, SR McBride, A Mizara. (2018, January). Cutaneous body image among patients with acne vulgaris: An observational study. Pesented at UK Psychodermatology, London, UK
D Koumaki, SR McBride, A Mizara. (2017, September). Cutaneous body image among patients with acne vulgaris. Poster presented at 26th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, Geneva, Switzerland.
S Aguilar-Duran, Y Kartalova, A Mizara, SR McBride. (2015, July). Retrospective descriptive study of patients with psoriasis referred to a psychology-based psychodermatology service. Poster presented at 95th Annual Meeting of the British Association of Dermatologists, Manchester, UK
Simpson JK, Wilson M, Ahmed A, Mizara A, Clarke A, McBride SR (2015, July) An observational study to investigate health-seeking behaviour in patients with psoriasis using framework analysis. Poster presented at 95th Annual Meeting of the British Association of Dermatologists, Manchester, UK.
Mizara, A (2015, May). Hair and psyche. Paper presented at British Hair and Nail Educational Weekend, BAD, Brighton, UK.
Mizara, A (2015, April). Psychodermatology: Another face of dermatology. Paper presented at Educational meeting ‘The Beauty of Skin’,London,UK.
Mizara, A (2014, Nov) Psychological management of alopecia. 2nd Annual CARF meeting, London, UK.
Mizara, A, Badsha, K , Griffiths M, McBride, SR. (2014, July) A retrospective review of a dedicated psychology-based psychodermatology service. Poster presented at 94th Annual Meeting of the British Association of Dermatologists, Glasgow, UK.
S. Aguilar-Duran, A. Mizara, J. Champagne, K. Badsha, M. Griffiths, SR. McBride. (2014, July) Single-Centre retrospective study of patients with psoriasis referred to a psychology-based psycho-dermatology service. Poster presented at 94th Annual Meeting of the British Association of Dermatologists, Glasgow, UK
Mizara, A& McBride, S. (2010, July). Retrospective analysis of a Psycho-dermatology service. Poster presented at 90th Annual Meeting of the British Association of Dermatologists, Manchester, UK.
Mizara, A, Papadopoulos, L. & McBride, S. (2010, July).Early Maladaptive Schemas and psychological distress in outpatients with psoriasis and atopic eczema. Poster presented at 90th Annual Meeting of the British Association of Dermatologists, Manchester, UK.
Mizara, A& McBride, S. (2010, June). Improving psychological care of the dermatology patient: An audit of a psychodermatology service in UK. Paper presented at Apperance Matters 4 Conference, Bristol, UK
Mizara, A (2009, November). The role of schemas in dermatological conditions. Implications for counselling patients with skin disorders. Paper was presented at the 2ndPanhellenic Congress of Cognitive Psychotherapies, Athens, Greece.
Mizara, A, & Papadopoulos, L. (2008, September). Emotional processing and psychological distress in skin conditions: Implications for emotion-focused management of people with psoriasis and eczema. Paper was presented at the 2nd Croatian Congress of Psychodermatology, Zagreb, Croatia.
Mizara A., McBride, S., Papadopoulos, L., Bor, R, Anthis, L., & Tinsley, P. (2008, August) Early Maladaptive Schemas and psychological distress in dermatological conditions: Implications for therapy with people with skin diseases. Paper presented at the meeting of American Psychological Association, Boston.
Sukhodolsky, D. G., Demertzis, C. H., Kassinove, J. I., Kostogiannis, C., Mizara, A., & Mexi, C. (2000, August). Anger experience, individualism, and tolerance of ambiguity in Greece and America. Paper was presented at the meeting of American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
Sukhodolsky, D. G., Demertzis, C. H., Kostogiannis, C., Mizara, A., & Mexi, C. (2000, August). Development of a Greek version of the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory. Paper was presented at the meeting of American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
Supervised doctoral theses:
- A Randomised Control Trial of Integrative Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Patients with Alopecia Areata: A Pilot Study
-Understanding the factors that contribute to the outcome of cognitive behavioural therapy as adjunct to medical treatment in a sample of individuals with psoriasis : a constructivist grounded theory study.
- The experience of psoriatic arthritis patients receiving biological treatment : an interpretative phenomenological analysis
- Effects of parenting experiences and early maladaptive schemas on adjustment to atopic dermatitis.