What to expect
Appointments usually last around 50 minutes, which is standard practice for all psychologists. Follow-up appointments can be arranged as face-to-face and/or remotely (via Zoom). Initial consultations are all conducted remotely.
All patients enjoy the highest degree of confidentiality. Your sessions and notes remain private and I will not discuss your matter with anyone unless I have your permission to do so. If you have been referred by a GP, consultant or other professional, then it is custom for me to write an assessment report to the referrer, and if undergoing treatment, update them on your progress. In signing a registration form you will receive with your appointment there is agreement that you provide me with the permission to write to your referrer.
In order to practice, I receive regular supervision from a consultant clinical psychologist and may discuss your case anonymously with this professional. Your notes shall be safely stored. I have a duty to inform the police or social services where there is a significant risk of harm to you the patient yourself, a child, another adult, or a risk of potential terrorist action. I adhere to the Data Protection Act of 1998 and shall therefore also keep your personal information safe.

My consultation fees are from:
*£220 for an Initial Assessment Consultation.
*£180 for a Follow-Up Consultation.
Occasionally there may be a variation in charges depending on the service you require (couples/joint consultations) or the duration of your treatment (over 50 minutes). I reserve the right to review all charges annually. If session rates are to be increased you will be notified at least 8 weeks in advance.
Payment can be made by:
Cash: Paid at the time of your appointment.
Bank transfer: Any payment should be credited to my account within 7 days of the date of the appointment or invoice
Health cover: Please provide your claim number prior to the consultation. I am a Registered Provider with the following health insurers: *AXA PPP *Pru/Vitality Health *Cigna
Note: If you would like to pay for treatment through your insurer, it is important to check first that your insurer provides cover for talking therapies or psychological interventions and whether a referral from a GP or psychiatrist is required. Please check for any other terms & conditions of your policy that may be relevant.
I reserve the right to charge for the collection fees, administrative and legal fees for the recovery of late payments.
Cancellation Policy
It is important that you attend appointments that have been scheduled. However, I am aware that things in life happen and from time to time you may not be able to attend therapy for one reason or another. Advanced notice of any cancellation is very much appreciated. Please let me know as soon as possible if you are not able to attend an appointment.
Cancellations may be made at any time up to 1 working day before the appointment without cancellation fees being incurred. Appointments cancelled within 24 hours of the arranged appointment shall be charged in full.
I will also give you as much notice as possible if I need to cancel or reschedule one of our meetings.
How to book an appointment
Appointments may be booked either via the website (click CONTACT ME and fill out the enquiry form) or via email: alexandramizara@hotmail.com